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The Glowtrotters: 3 Simple Steps to Maintain a Travel Self-Tan

As the holidays approach, flights are booked, and travel itineraries are put together, we can’t help but count down to the day when we’ll have our much-needed rest and relaxation. Along with the holiday travel excitement comes the anxiety of actually preparing for it. There’s just so much to take note of: deciding on where to go, which outfits to wear, making sure everything fits in the budget, and so much more. One of our biggest concerns for packing, however, is maintaining our sunkissed glow throughout our travel.

Fortunately, we’ve got a system narrowed down through trial and error. If you’re overwhelmed by how to keep your glow without needing the locate the nearest tanning salon in your travel destination, we’ve got just the guide for you. We’re listing down three simple things to take note of for the girl on the glow.

  1. Glow up before exiting your front door.

A post-vacation glow would be ideal but it wouldn’t hurt to get a head start. After all, who wouldn’t love to sport sun-kissed skin at the airport or on the road to your destination? Schedule some time to get your faux glow on before departure. This way, you’ll feel fresh and confident even before you’ve checked in. If you’re going to colder places, a ready glow would look amazing in your photos. For warmer places, having a faux glow on will help reduce the temptation to bake in the sun all day and damage your skin.

Our recommendation: Bondi Bodz Tanning Mousses

If you don’t know where to start with self-tans, Bondi Bodz tanning lotions have a great lineup that is virtually mess-up-free. We still recommend that you do the proper prep work to get all bases covered so you’ll have a stress-free start to your vacation, but chances of turning up with a botchy tan are very low (though not zero so heed our word of caution!)

One great thing about Bondi Bodz tanning mousse is that it is cruelty-free, vegan-friendly, and made up of only the finest natural ingredients. The DHA is derived from natural sources so it won’t harm your skin. You’ll get a glowing head start and even improve your skin as you go!

  1. Maintain the glow while on the go.

If you’ve gotten your glow on at least two days in advance to make way for other vacation preparations, you can top up while hydrating your skin on the plane or in whatever mode of transport you are taking. Simply use gradual tanners that you can mix with your usual moisturiser, and lather on your skin while you are on the road. This will keep your glow fresh while also helping your skin stay moisturised in the middle of going in and out of spaces with changing temperatures.

Make sure to properly store your products in segregated containers in case a change in pressure may get to them! The last thing you want is a messy tanning lotion or tanning oil and moisturiser potion that you didn’t authorize seeping through your luggage.

Upon checking in, don’t forget to regularly top up before bed or before stepping out for your next itinerary! You can ease up when you have the vacation glow you want.

Our recommendations: Bondi Bodz Skinsation and Bondi Bodz Afterglow Tanning Drops

  1. Wear your SPF consistently.

Just because you’re in a plane or a moving car doesn’t mean you are free from UV rays. Be intentional with applying your SPF especially when traveling. Certain studies have already revealed that being 30,000 feet in the air for one hour can cause a sizable UV ray absorption on your skin. So make sure to lather on your SPF religiously. Don’t forget to do this before leaving your hotel too!

Self-tanner tips: make sure the ingredients of your sunscreen do not affect the ingredients in your tanner. Do your research accordingly and thoroughly and you’ll have your magic combination throughout your entire travel!

Easy, right? All you need to take note of are these three key things to live up to your glowtrotting name. Bon voyage!

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