Hear us out. We love our gradual tanners and we love our conventional self-tanning lotions. We have both of them in our self-tanning arsenals all year round (and we have them in different shades too). We’re not out to pit one over the other, but rather to clarify the purpose of each so that you will know which one is suited for use in which occasion. Sometimes we use one, but most of the time we use both. The key is to know the whys and the whens.
While we’re here to break down the proper use of each, it is important to know that not all self-tanners in the market are made equal. Some use ingredients that may be too aggressive for your skin, and these are the ones that usually turn out to look like a cheap tan too. It’s important to do your due diligence when you are picking out conventional self-tanners and gradual tanners by reading real-life reviews online and asking your family and friends.
We’ll weigh in on the gradual tanners vs conventional self-tanners debate, but this is just to serve as a guide as to how both are used. The effectiveness and efficiency of the self-tanners still largely differ in product quality and the prep work you put in.
With all that said, let’s dive into the differences between gradual tanners and conventional self-tanning lotions!
1. To control or not to control the intensity—that is the question.
We always share this advice to self-tanning rookies: go big or go gradual. If you aren’t comfortable with committing to a full-on self-tanning session that will take you a few hues deeper, gradual tanners are an excellent place to start. It’s like the kiddie pool of self-tanning where you dip your toes and get a feel for what you can handle.
Some reasons why the gradual tanner is great for beginners: you can slowly build up to the colour that you feel looks best on you, the application is pretty much fool-proof, and there are fewer chances of leaving a messy self-tanning trace in the bathroom.
However, if you’re feeling adventurous and want a 180-degree change that will blow people away, the conventional self-tanner is the classic choice. Someone asked you out to a dinner date the next day? A self-tanning session must take place ASAP. Feeling blah recently and want to snap out of it? A luscious self-tan can help push you in the right direction. There’s also a certain thrill to watching the colour develop in as little as one to two hours.
Just make sure to follow our tips on doing the proper preparations for a flawless self-tan here.
Our recommendation: Bondi Bodz Skinsation Gradual Tanning Lotion and Afterglow Gradual Tanning Drops
2. Application time: which one is easier for you to use?
We’ll be upfront with this one: conventional self-tanners do require a bit more work. Because the colour develops faster and more drastically in conventional tanners, preparation is key to ensuring it does so perfectly—and the payoff is always worth it. The better the foundation work, the more flawlessly and faster you’ll get to your glow goals. No more troubleshooting areas or crying over spilt tanners.
Again, it is worthwhile to note that not all self-tanners are created equal. Some are formulated to develop quickly but are a mess to put on, some develop a bit more subtly but cover areas effortlessly like it is heaven-sent.
On the other hand, gradual tanners are pretty much foolproof. Just a few drops into your favourite moisturiser and slather on as evenly as possible, making sure to get those little nooks and crannies. You can build the colour up eventually and troubleshoot any patchy areas along the way.
Our recommendation: Bondi Bodz Self-Tanning Lotions
3. Is one more drying than the other?
The short answer to that is yes and no. Yes because conventional self-tanners aren’t usually applied with moisturisers, and no because it depends on the ingredients in the self-tanner you choose—some of them may actually leave your skin even better (but don’t skimp out on the moisturiser still).
Gradual tanners are typically applied with serums and moisturisers, which means your skin has zero downtime on the hydration front. Conventional ones aren’t necessarily hydrating, but it depends on the self-tanner you reach for. So do your research before you purchase!
Hope this clarifies the difference between the two. So, are you team gradual or team conventional? For us, we’re definitely both.