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6 Moisturiser Mistakes to Avoid for a Beautiful Self-Tan Glow

When it comes to moisturising, we’re not one to play around. We do not tolerate laziness and excuses – and for good reason: we will settle for nothing but the perfect self-tan glow that will make it all worth the extra prep steps. While you might think moisturising is just slathering on lotion, we’re here to point out six common mistakes made when hydrating the skin for a self-tan sesh.

1. Not sloughing off those dead skin cells.

We’ve said this a million times and we will say it a couple of million times more: EXFOLIATE. Scrubbing away the top layer of your cells allows the moisturiser to get into your skin better. Zero in on places where the oil glands are less active, such as knees, elbows, and feet. Don’t go too hard though! A nice buffing using a washcloth or massage mitt up to twice a week will do the trick.

2. You don’t moisturise your entire body.

It’s quite surprising to know that many people opt out of moisturising other areas of the body. Their tendency is to moisturise only their legs, because it usually feels dry after removing leg hair. Applying lotion to the chest, back, arms, and tummy are just as important, especially those that are most exposed to the sun and wind. Go all the way and cover every inch possible.

3. You only reach for your moisturiser during dry times.

Parched isn’t chic. In the name of self-care, we apply the “prevention is better than cure” policy when it comes to moisturising. Never wait until your skin feels dry and patchy before getting into the habit of religious slathering. Trust us, you’ll thank us ten years from now.

To get into the habit of moisturising, place one bottle of moisturiser for each bathroom you use and bag you have. Another tip: pick ones with scents that you love.

4. You don’t read the bottle labels.

As much as it is tempting to grab the cheapest moisturiser on the shelf, quality skincare ingredients will make all the difference in the world. Think of it as medicine for your skin – nobody wants to ingest medicine made out of questionable ingredients. So do your research, read up on those ingredient lists, and feed your skin only the best.

5. You don’t time your moisturising sessions properly.

If you’re someone who applies lotion before showering, or randomly in the middle of the day, you are missing out on the maximum potential of your moisturiser. The best time to slather on your favorite lotion is when your skin is still a little damp. The dampness will help to lock the moisture into your skin longer. Instead of drying thoroughly after a shower, pat your skin using a soft towel. Apply your moisturiser before completely drying off.

6. You only use one brand and type of moisturiser.

Your skin condition fluctuates more often than you think. What your skin needed a decade ago is probably not what it needs today, and it certainly will change a decade more down the road. A quick Google search will show different skin needs at every age bracket. Make sure to try out a couple of moisturisers that are designed for your skin type.

Another thing that is often overlooked is the season. A heavy moisturiser may not be the best on a sweltering hot summer day. Make sure you have options for different climates.

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