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Are Self-Tanners Safe For Pregnant Women?

Are you itching to get a faux glow but you’re hesitant because you have a little one on the way? Are you wondering if self-tanners are safe for use during pregnancy? You (and a whole lot of mommas that have gone before you) probably have wondered about this at least once, especially when you’re sitting from carrying the weight of your little one and you see your pasty legs and bump. You’re in for a treat because we’re here to give you the low down on the pregnancy glow down.

Short answer is that yes, self-tanning is considered generally safe for those tiny buns in the oven. But don’t rejoice just yet: there are a few things you must first know before you reach for that bronzing bottle. Here are some of the most common questions we get regarding pregnancy faux tanning.

Can I still get a fake tan if I’m pregnant?

There are probably a lot of things you had to give up at this point, but luckily, fake tans don’t have to be one of them. Be warned, however, that not all self-tanners are created equal. Using certain skincare ingredients (retinoids, for example) is discouraged during pregnancy. Even though health experts conclude that at-home self-tanners will hardly put your baby at risk, it still pays to read your ingredient list well.

No matter what type of self-tanner you prefer using, all of them contain a non-toxic active ingredient called dihydroxyacetone (DHA). What’s interesting about DHA is that it doesn’t go past the outermost layer of the skin, which means it doesn’t seep into your bloodstream, hence no potential risks on your little one. Upon applying, a chemical reaction occurs between the DHA and your skin which causes the melanin alteration or the bronzing effect. But that’s as far as the product will go. The NHS website confirms, “As the DHA isn’t thought to go beyond the outer layer of skin, it isn’t absorbed into the body and can’t harm your baby.”

Still, we would err on the side of caution by making sure all the ingredients in the bottle are non-toxic!

What about spray tanning?

If you’re a spray tan baby, we have heartbreaking news for you: inhaling the fine tanning mist may not be the best thing for your baby (or you). Since there is still no conclusive study regarding the effects of inhaling DHA and other tanning chemicals, health experts advise to avoid spray tans for now. Some experts, however, will advise pregnant women to gear up – aka wear their masks. If you’re still in doubt, go ahead and give your general practitioner a call. Or you can avoid all that and just come to the bronzed side of at-home self-tanners.

How do I know if my self-tanner is pregnancy-safe?

What does a “good” ingredients list look like? When it’s your little one on the line, be meticulous with each ingredient that goes on your skin. Make sure that the DHA is 100% natural, and contains no parabens, toxins, or silicones. Our tanning range is vegan-friendly, and uses only the best natural ingredients on the market. 

Can hormones affect chemical reactions in fake tans?

Some women are unfortunate to experience increased skin sensitivity during pregnancy. Make sure you do a patch test at least 24 hours prior to your self-tanning sesh. If any type of inflammation or irritation occurs, abort your bronzing mission – better safe than bronzed.

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